Archive for the 'Government' Category

Secure Security Securing Securative Securities 0

You should just read them.

My Wonderful Trip To South Africa That Didn’t Happen Thanks To The TSA And Delta Airlines

Interview with Kip Hawley, head of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)


Slate has an interesting discussion on a bill before the US Congress. While many, including myself, would initially cheer such a development as a step towards dis-entanglement from a ‘bad influence’, there is reason for temperance, as is pointed out in the comments of the article.

Little. Yellow. Traceable. 2

I’ve known this for awhile, but many do not. Most, if not all, printers place almost imperceptable dots on anything that you print, a serial number of sorts, which then can be used to trace a printed page back to a specific printer. The Secret Service has a vested interest in this ‘technology’, and it’s not difficult to understand their reasoning. But for privacy advocates and others who simply wish to be truly annonymous, this poses problems as there is no way to turn this ‘feature’ off. But via Ars Technica, we learn that MIT’s Seeing Yellow project is attempting to rectify that after someone who asked a printer manufacturer how to turn off the yellow was later visited by the Secret Service.

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