Archive for the 'Links' Category

The LHC gets Bizzy 2

Nerdcore to the next level: A rap explaining the Large Hadron Collider

via Wired, via reddit

How the ‘Net Works 0

Strangely relevant to a conversation I was having over lunch with the Lovely One. I bring you, via Ars Technica, the following informational article:

How the ‘Net works: an introduction to peering and transit By Rudolph van der Berg

I heavily suggest your perusal.

And they have a plan… 0

Frak politics as usual! Eyepatches/Hallucinogenics ’08!

Thanks, Heidi.

And as a bonus, McCain asking Sarah/Sandra Palin to be his running mate.

Begins with an S 0

…and it is not ‘sine wave’.

Click the pick to learn more.

I found that by reading reading this: Earthquake Lake

Ridiculousness Disguised As Government 0

If you have been paying attention, you may have noticed that the United States government has reached a level of [choose your favorite] stupidity, ludicrousness, lack of institutional memory, brazen disregard for anything resembling reality, inferred hallucinogenic drug use, soul crushing asshattery, and intelligence insulting rhetoric that has surpassed any and all measure. I lament for our descendants and am redefining the upper bound of contemptuousness for the Federalist system.

Case in point, as beautifully and satisfyingly portrayed on Mr. Stewart’s lovely show:

I hope there will be a return to accountability and common sense within my lifetime. I also hope to live forever. I think the chances for both are just about equal.

BONUS: Pictures from the conflict zone taken by a local. []

It’s Back! NEWSISH. 0

Been a bit since I brought this series to the light of day, but here she is in all her self-interested glory. NEWSISH for 8/1/2008. Might end up being a once a week thing, maybe more. Enjoy while you can!

Check back for more [maybe].

Unexpected Touch 0

From the folks at Harmony Joyride Productions

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

One Dollar 0

Kevino’s numero dos NYFILM.

The Name Game 0

People can be stupid. Really stupid [BBC]:

Officials had blocked Sex Fruit, Keenan Got Lucy and Yeah Detroit, he said, but Number 16 Bus Shelter, Violence and Midnight Chardonnay had been allowed.

So Crumbum Habberdasher Sir Monkeyface is still available?

A Muppet moment 0

From Sister One

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