Archive for the 'Video' Category

When Brimley and Falco Collide 0

Campy Counselor Tom sends this find:

Rock Me Diabeetus

NOTE – Unsure why, but the vid gives me a bit-o-trouble in Firefox. IE seems to work. It rules in Lynx. UPDT – Turns out its the VLC plugin giving me issues. I guess it interferes with Flash in FF. UPDT 2 – That’s not all the problem I guess, its still doing it even with the plugin removed. Ugh.

There’s also many more Brimley vids in the “related videos”. I personally like this one.

Non-Code-Geeks, Please look away 2

I need to finish this later, but the first 15 minutes is pretty informative. Here at the old IMFO Ranch we’re in discussions on frameworks, so it was a nice surprise to be able to get a small list of whats available in a humorous package.

Running time is 1 hour. If you do internet websites or websites on the internet, you’ll enjoy it. If you do web internets on site, you probably won’t.

Why I Hate Django. DjangoCon 2008 Keynote: Cal Henderson

via reddit

This Is Not a Happy Subject 0

It is in fact a heart wrenching, make you cry subject. But it is something you should have an opinion on.

The LHC gets Bizzy 2

Nerdcore to the next level: A rap explaining the Large Hadron Collider

via Wired, via reddit

Techno Chicken [and Pelosi?] 0

The ‘original’

I guess this is from an Australian Domino’s commercial.

Bonus vid from Wreck and Salvage:

Nancy Pelosi Techno Chicken from wreckandsalvage on Vimeo.

Found the former by way of the latter. Oh, and check out the W&S redesign. Fancy pants, those fellas.

Pol Itics 0

Sometimes they’re funny.

Functionally Voluntary Music 0

Going to let the ‘money quote’ intro the article.

The real answer to online piracy problems will be a market answer; if content creators want to succeed online, they need to focus even more on “seducing” consumers than on pistol-whipping them.

Article: Functionally voluntary” music may lead to blanket licenses [Ars Technica]

Ridiculousness Disguised As Government 0

If you have been paying attention, you may have noticed that the United States government has reached a level of [choose your favorite] stupidity, ludicrousness, lack of institutional memory, brazen disregard for anything resembling reality, inferred hallucinogenic drug use, soul crushing asshattery, and intelligence insulting rhetoric that has surpassed any and all measure. I lament for our descendants and am redefining the upper bound of contemptuousness for the Federalist system.

Case in point, as beautifully and satisfyingly portrayed on Mr. Stewart’s lovely show:

I hope there will be a return to accountability and common sense within my lifetime. I also hope to live forever. I think the chances for both are just about equal.

BONUS: Pictures from the conflict zone taken by a local. []

Book Chat with Rainn Wilson 1

It’s a plug for his new movie, but some of the props and effects hit a little close to home. Jubi Show watchers will know what I mean.

Part 1

Part 2

I Met The Walrus 0

From the YouTube sidebar:

In 1969, a 14-year-old Beatle fanatic named Jerry Levitan, armed with a reel-to-reel tape deck, snuck into John Lennon’s hotel room in Toronto and convinced John to do an interview about peace. 38 years later, Jerry has produced a film about it. Using the original interview recording as the soundtrack, director Josh Raskin has woven a visual narrative which tenderly romances Lennon’s every word in a cascading flood of multipronged animation. Raskin marries the terrifyingly genius pen work of James Braithwaite with masterful digital illustration by Alex Kurina, resulting in a spell-binding vessel for Lennon’s boundless wit, and timeless message.

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