Archive for the 'Internet' Category

Cable Box as Carterphone? 0

Excellent thoughts on the developing lawsuit in Kansas over digital cable boxes and the rent-only option:

Functionally Voluntary Music 0

Going to let the ‘money quote’ intro the article.

The real answer to online piracy problems will be a market answer; if content creators want to succeed online, they need to focus even more on “seducing” consumers than on pistol-whipping them.

Article: Functionally voluntary” music may lead to blanket licenses [Ars Technica]

NEWSISH! BACK AT YA, 1/25/2008 0

Here’s a pile o’ news for your discerning palate.

Good to be back, more as I find it

Newsish 11/29/07 4

Sorry I haven’t been around, but we’ll always have NEWSISH:

NEWSISH 11/14/07 0

This one’s gonna be lame as I have work to do…

Today’s Vocab words: arbitrage, eleemosynary

LATE ADDITION: Important though: Broadband data collection bill passes full House – This will hopefully give Congress reason to pressure broadband providers [telcos & cable] to get their butts in gear.

Another Late Addition: Cowbell Hero…

Newsish 11/5/2007 0

¡Noviembre newsish, ahora mismo!

maybe some more later. maybe not.

Happy Halloween + Newsish 1

Better plump up those brains…do it with NEWSISH:

Today’s vocab word: plenipotentiary

Newsish 10/24/2007 0

Some local, some telco, somebody put together some newsish:

Today’s Vocab Word: noumenon

Newsish 10/22/2007 0

We start the day with the IM buffer regreaser left me over the weekend:

Here’s some more:

Today’s vocab words: phenomenology, flocking

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