More Flooded Than Ever Before

40,000 Cubic Feet Per Second

That is what the Coralville Reservoir will be outputting by the peak of this now conclusively historic flood. The scene is strange: sandbags everywhere, the slow creep of the river towards ground I walk over every day, the backup of traffic due to road and bridge closings. And we still have a week to go until the crest.

It’s hard to work during this time, especially with this view out the window:

All University staff located along the river have been asked to “decide which materials you would want to have with you if you are unable to access your office for several weeks.” Thought I’d throw that in just in case you thought “It can’t be that bad…”

And from a Co-worker’s family member, here’s a picture of Downtown Cedar Rapids, specifically 3rd Avenue:

Qwest’s main CO for East Central Iowa is located in this area and is now shut down, so Internet is down for all customers in the region. Not a good time for a web developer.

I will try to keep updating as I am able. For the picture people, the Gazette has tons. So does the Press-Citizen.

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